Your ability to collect all of the money due to you efficiently and effectively is a vital part of your success. It is a direct result of your billing practices. Get the collections services and support you need to get the most from your billing efforts. Reduce your billing staff’s workload and ease the pressure on them, and yourself, by having your older, problem and neglected accounts taken care of for you.
Bring SNF Solutions in to help with your collections when:
You need help with problem and aging accounts
- Take a load off your staff. Problem and aging claims are evaluated and relentlessly pursued until payment is received.
- Give your staff the gift of more time to take care of your priorities.
You need help managing your denials
- Bring in all the cash possible by reviewing your denied claims.
- Identify issues and fix billing practices to minimize future denials.
You want to pursue your lost revenue
- Aging and neglected accounts pursued for you.
- Clean up your aging report.
You have too much bad debt
- Identify potentially collectible accounts.
- Aggressively pursue your viable claims.
- Only write off true bad debt.
You need help with problem and aging accounts
Your problem accounts and Aging claim balances are evaluated, and relentlessly pursued to completion. Using our team to perform this important yet time-consuming task allows your billing staff to keep focused on their primary work flow and tasks while we bring your money in for you. Keep your current claims current!
This service is popular with the vast majority of clients. It is especially valuable to clients who have sold or acquired a facility and have retained the receivables, yet either don’t want or have the time for their staff to work them.
Take a significant workload from your staff by having your problem accounts collected for you. We can work any or all of your outstanding claims, you decide. Give your staff the gift of more time to take care of your priorities. The balances outsourced are usually over a certain age, say 90 – 180 days or more, and can be all payer types or just the ones your staff has trouble getting paid.
Case In Point:
A CCRC in Florida brought us in to take over their Skilled Nursing Facility’s Managed Care accounts for them. By pursuing the balances over 90 days of age, we reduced their aging balances by over 60% in 3 months. They resumed the collection of these accounts when the staff was comfortable with both the number of outstanding claims and the training they got on working managed care claims.
Case In Point:
We were brought in to pursue the receivables retained by the new owner of a CCRC in Pennsylvania. After reviewing the receivables we were able to assure the new owner would be able to make a goal amount from collections. The owner made more than double the goal amount before we were done.
You need help managing your denials
Don’t give up on your denied claims, ensure that you are getting in all the cash possible. Take advantage of our expertise to review your denied claims for collectability. Be sure all possible efforts are aggressively made to secure payment and the appropriate appeals are made.
Clean up your aging report by analyzing identifying and pursuing viable claims. Make sure you do not write anything off before doing everything you can to collect it.
You want to pursue your lost revenue
Recover your lost revenue by having your older and neglected accounts relentlessly worked for you. Your aging report is cleaned up by identifying which claims are worth pursuing and which are uncollectable.
Ensure you are getting all the cash in possible
You have too much bad debt
Have your bad debt reviewed to identify potentially collectible accounts. We will aggressively pursue those claims that have any chance of being paid. This is also a good way to identify patterns and deficiencies in your billing practices that need to be addressed.
Be assured that you are only writing off true bad debt.
Case In Point:
A Florida client with over 20 facilities regularly has us review all of the claims they have written off. We have been successful in getting about 10% of these claims paid for them. The client is very satisfied with this extra cash. They have also used this success and the feedback they get to modify their collections and write off processes to reduce the amount of claims that are written off.
5 ways to increase your revenue without adding a single resident
Chances are that you’re leaving revenue on the table. This quick resource guide will help ensure that your office is getting the most from your existing business so you can maximize your revenue without adding a single resident.