SNF Billing
Your billing function is the most vital component of your facility’s financial success. SNF Solutions provides complete skilled nursing facility (SNF) billing services and support you need to maximize your revenue. In addition to the consulting and collections help we provide, utilizing our billing services can give you the extra time and peace of mind you need. Use that time to work on issues, set yourself up for success or give yourself the fresh start you need.
Bring SNF Solutions in to help with your billing when:
You wish to outsource all or part of your Skilled Nursing Facility billing.
- Give your staff the time they need. Have your monthly billing, follow-up and collections done for you.
You have or suspect an accuracy or integrity problem with your billing.
- When you need time to properly address problems with your billing, we take care of your billing for you.
You need start up guidance with a new facility or payer type.
- Your billing is taken care of through all startup phases, and (training) provided.
- The billing for the new payer type is taken care of as your staff is trained and brought up to speed.
You lose part of your billing staff.
- Interim or “911” billing services are available when you find yourself in a tight spot and need help now.
Your billing staff needs time for a project or problem.
- Give your staff the time needed to properly take care of tasks like; implementing new software, dealing with audits and the sale or acquisition of facilities.
You wish to outsource all or part of your Skilled Nursing Facility billing.
Have your monthly billing, follow-up and collections done for you on an ongoing basis. This gives your staff the time needed to deal with their day to day responsibilities and to concentrate on your priorities.
Simply put, outsourcing especially in the case of medical billing and insurance saves you money by reducing the staff needed in your business office. The reduced payroll, benefit and training expenses more than cover any costs related to outsourcing your billing.
You have or suspect a problem with your billing integrity or accuracy
Get expert help when you have a problem with the accuracy or integrity in your facility’s billing. Give yourself the time you need to properly address and correct your problems without being rushed. Use this time to evaluate and fix your business office staffing, policies, procedures and processes as necessary to ensure that you are never in that situation again.
You can also have a Business Office Review performed to give you an accurate assessment of the current state of your business office, staff and claims. Several clients have been happy with the results achieved for them and the issues that have been found. This is true even for the clients who have been surprised by the issues uncovered by a review.
You need start up guidance with a new facility or payer type
Leave medicare, tricare, or medicaid billing services and training on us. All of your SNF billing is done for you while you go through all the phases of starting up a new facility, or even just bringing a new payer type on line. Give yourself the time you need to find and hire your new billing staff. Get your billing staff trained on effective billing and collection practices at the pace that is comfortable for all involved.
Get valuable consulting help in developing the processes and procedures needed to have a successful billing operation. Give yourself a Help Desk as a resource for your staff to get help with questions and problem accounts.
Case In Point:
A smaller, specialized Skilled Nursing Facility asked us for guidance as they began accepting Medicare Part A and B for the first time in years. We provided both medicare billing help and training.
You lose part of your billing staff
Interim or “911” billing services are available when you find yourself in a tight spot and need help now.
All or part of your medical & insurance billing is done for you for as long as you need it. Don’t worry about your billing while you advertise to fill a position, or when part of your billing staff is on an extended leave of absence. This service gives your remaining staff the time needed to keep up with the daily demands of the department.
Case In Point: Several clients have brought us in to assure their billing is done in a timely manner while they fill a vacant position. This allows you the client the time to fill the position and then to bring your new hire up to speed at a controlled pace. As the new hire gets more comfortable, they are given more responsibilities and more payers to bill as they adjust to the workload.
We are available to help you screen and find qualified candidates or train them on effective billing and collection practices.
Your billing staff needs time for a project or problem
SNF Solutions is here to help out while you take care of a project or pressing problem. Free up the time you and your staff need to give it the attention it deserves.
We can help you deal with the project or problem area as well. Give your staff the time to properly implement new systems, gather information during audits, prepare for the sale of your facility or getting up to full speed after acquiring a new one.
One of the more common client projects we have been brought in for is the selection and implementation of new billing software. SNF Solutions does your billing while your staff is setting up, training, and implementing your new software package. This gives your staff the time needed to pay attention to the small details without feeling as rushed. We will also continue billing on your “old” system while you work out the challenges of the new one.
Case In Point: We were brought in by a client who was having problems with their billing software. We did all of their Medicare, Managed Care and Coinsurance billing. This gave them the time to research, choose, train, and implement a new software package. When they started billing with the new package, they had us continue billing on the old system until they were confident with the new system.

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Chances are that you’re leaving revenue on the table. This quick resource guide will help ensure that your office is getting the most from your existing business so you can maximize your revenue without adding a single resident.