COVID-19 – What We Know
The SNF Solutions team would like to take a moment during the current health emergency to let all our clients, co-workers, and industry affiliates know that we share in the concerns and challenges that this pandemic has created for all of us.
As a company we have been blessed to be able to provide our employees with the ability and convenience of being able to work from home remotely for the last 15 years. With this as an integral part of our business model we already have in place the tools and staff needed to continue to meet your needs.
It is imperative that we all keep abreast of the daily changes, industry updates and other information being released to assist the nation and our industry, and SNF Solutions is committed to monitoring these changes and informational releases and sharing what we learn with you. We have compiled a list of links for the Declarations and Waivers that currently exist and impact Skilled Nursing Facilities.
We hope that this will provide you with the information you need to feel secure in accepting patients from all payors and give some clarity related to proper billing of claims. Please know that, as always, we are here to respond to any questions or concerns that you may have and have educated our billers with the necessary information to ensure that claims submitted will have correct and accurate coding to ensure payment.
There are two major national blanket waivers issued that have a direct impact upon Medicare Claims and Admissions. These are clearly detailed in the MLN Matters Newsletter released on March 16, 2020 and updated to include Telehealth Waivers on March 19, 2020. The link to this newsletter is included below. CMS has indicated that the best and most reliable resource for determining what is or will be considered a clean claim is the individual Intermediary/MACs. If you do not know who your Intermediary/MAC is or how to access the information that they are releasing SNF Solutions staff can assist with this.
You should know that there is a new optional waiver available related to being able to accept Medicaid patients across state lines who are already approved for Medicaid in their current state. However, this option and two others related to Medicaid State Admission Requirements will require each state to submit an 1135 Waiver prior to being able to implement these procedures. Florida was the first to do this and a copy of their approved Waiver is on the Website under the COVID-19 Link.
Please know that our thoughts, prayers and best wishes are with all of you and our Nation as we go through the next few months of this trial. Stay Safe and Stay Well.

5 ways to increase your revenue without adding a single resident
Chances are that you’re leaving revenue on the table. This quick resource guide will help ensure that your office is getting the most from your existing business so you can maximize your revenue without adding a single resident.